image from overdose scene

The Importance of Drug Treatment Escalates with Pandemic-Related Drug Deaths

As the pandemic continues to make headlines, less attention is given to the rise in addiction-related deaths. The American Medical Association Advocacy Resource Center recently reported, “The AMA is greatly concerned by an increasing number of reports from national, state and local media suggesting increases in opioid- and other drug-related mortality

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Comparing Physics to Trauma and Alcohol Abuse

The Physics of Trauma and Alcohol Abuse Treatment In 1686, Isaac Newton wrote that three “laws” of physics govern motion. We’re all familiar with Newton’s Third Law — that for …

image of woman facing stigma of addiction

Understanding the Stigma of Addiction

People in the throes of addiction sometimes behave in ways that are contrary to social norms. When they lie or steal to get the substance needed to prevent their painful withdrawal symptoms, or when their behavior is aggressive or paranoid because of their substance use, people who know and love them sometimes have difficulty maintaining compassion and sympathy.